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Requirements for the paper format
Time:2019-03-05 14:56              Source:m.sheying99.cn             【Font:large medium smal】

Title of the Paper (Times New Roman, Bold, 14pt, Center)

Authors1,…., and Author2* (Times New Roman, 12pt, Center)*

1First affiliation, Address, City, Postcode and Country (Times New Roman, 10pt, Italic, Center)
2Second affiliations, Address, City, Postcode and Country (Single space)
*Corresponding author. E-mail: xxxxxx@xxx.xx.xx



Abstract must be written in English (American spelling and usage) and the SI system for measurements and units must be used. The abstract should be informative and detailed. The content of the abstract should contain; introduction (explain the importance of the topic and the objective(s) of your work), materials and methods (state what was done and how it was done), results (a summary of the main findings and abstract without any results will not be considered), conclusion (indicate the significance and application of the research findings). It should be a maximum of 350 words (3-5 keywords). Abstracts should consist of a title of paper, the name of the author/authors and their affiliation, contact details and one paragraph only for script. Underline the name of the presenting author. The abstract must be single paragraph, single line spacing, typed in Time New Roman 12 points (bold for title) with a margin of 3 cm of A4 paper. All abstracts should be submitted as attachments, in MS Word format by online submission via the conference website at xxxxxx The instruction for oral & poster presentation and format template for full paper submission can download from xxxxxx website.

Keywords: 3-5 words (Times New Roman, 12pt)


OrganizerSouth China University of Technology, China; Ji'nan University, China; Wuhan Polytechnic University, China; Wilmar (Shanghai) Biotechnology R & D Center Co., Ltd., China; International Association for Rice Bran Oil.
Co-organizerYihai Kerry Food Marketing Co. Ltd., China;Hubei Tianxing Grain & Oil Co. Ltd., China;Guangzhou Informa Yi Fan Exhibition Co. Ltd., China